Saturday, September 4, 2010

Burnin Down My House

My house is Burning the fuck down and I have two firemen outside trying to convince me which one of them should be the one to put it out!!
OK, sure, but it's burning and I don't have time for this bullshit, really. One is a Republican who has some water somewhere and it's just the same old water that he has used to put out all of the other fires and it should work. I've seen the other fires and they have been put out, sort of! they still smolder a bit, but they look as though they are out. Now, this water is gonna cost me a lot of money, may not put the fire out all the way, it's going to take a pretty long time to get it almost out and there is no guarantee that my neighbors house won't be affected by it, but it will look as thought the fire is out and I'll be able to move back in sometime real soon. It will still smell like smoke, but thats what happens when a big fire like this one happens. Oh, and did I tell ya he's standing there trying to hide a pack of matches behind his back, hmmm!!?
Now, this second Fireman is a shiny new Democrat with very little experience putting out fires and has some new kind of water type stuff that is supposedly environmentally friendly, will help other fires at the same time, and yes, it's very expensive. Now, I may not be able to afford it, but he will help me take out a loan for it, and anyway I don't have a choice. He says it's brand new and never been tried before but I swear I've seen it somewhere before and have read about it online but he keeps trying to convince me that thats just a lie created by the Republican Fireman to lead me astray. Oh, and did I tell ya he's standing there trying to hide a can of gas behind his back, hmmm?
Now I'm freakin out because my damn house fire is like raging. I'm pissed, my neighbor is pissed at me, and these two overpaid, incompetent firemen are playing like the fire is in the basement when I can see it upstairs in the attic where I keep my favorite stuff!!
All of a sudden this new fireman shows up and I realize he's not a Democrat, or a Republican and he looks really familiar, I know this guy. I've been told all sorts of bad things about him, but here he is ready to get the job done. He doesn't have fancy expensive water, he's got a tool in his hand that he's willing to go in there and use to stamp out this blaze. Both of the other Firemen are standing in his way, for his own protection supposedly, but he's done this before and knows how to get the job done.
It's my house, so, I guess I'm gonna have to kick these dumb-asses out of the way and lead this new friend to where the fire is. It will be my pleasure. And, I'm gonna get started a-kickin right away!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

In Perspective.

So, what if we look at all of this from the perspective of the left. That, of course, is a scary thought, but one must be able to see things from the perspective of the enemy to know what precautions to take.
What will this country look like once health care reform is enacted? What will we have left on our plate once all of our debt, throughout this massive liberal spending, is tallied? How deep will the recession go and who will be left standing once our once great nation falls to will of the new world order?
Has the left even stopped for one moment to consider where it is going with all of the agendas it is pushing. If I see how this will impact our children, what about theirs? Are they just blindly following the crowd with no thought of the future?
Health care reform will pass! and then working peoples taxes will rise and we will have much less money in our pockets to pay our energy costs that will undoubtedly increase once cap and trade passes, so we will not be able to pay the note on our F-250, Lexus or Hummer that we didn't really need anyway, but the family with the parents that refused to go to college like the rest of us, even though this country has done everything it could to help them do just that, so that they could propel themselves out of the living conditions that they vehemently claim this country put them in, can live in a house that they cannot afford, attained for them by corrupt left wing organizations like Acorn, food on their table comes from food stamps, their child care is subsidised by the government, their bills are paid through community funded assistance organizations like the Urban League, and yet they still complain that we are not doing enough to help the 'poor' in this country.
I suggest that somone really defines the term poor for these people. I struggle to pay my bills on a somewhat meager salary, that took me a long time to get too, and then I watch as some over paid politician, that may or may not have paid his taxes like I have to do every year, tells me that I need to give more to help these people that, supposedly, cannot help themselves? Come on!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Freedom isn't free at all.

Ever since it's inception, this country has had it's good times and it's bad times, nobody is perfect. The people who fought to free this land from the control of Europe's tyrannical and religious thieves knew that there was a better way to govern people. If left to freely make their own way, they would grow this great nation. Leave them to their hard work and let them prosper from it in freedom and they will build a country that the world will come to admire. It was absolutely not easy in the beginning and there were many obstacles that they had to overcome, but this country is the best place to be right now (if you are willing to take it for what it was meant to be).
Glenn Beck said that is own daughter had a dim view of America. With all of his Flag waiving and cheer leading for this country, he couldn't keep his own offspring from seeing the mistakes the leaders of this country have made over the years. He couldn't stop her from seeing the greed that exists in the hearts of the men who attained lofty positions with the help of the capitalist system that was meant to grow a nation of prosperity and compassion, not at all what we have today. When money is available, there are thieves available to take advantage.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Puppet World!

I have got to say, this supposed 'Obama administration' is talking, telling those on the'Right' what it is planning, and nobody is listening. They are telling us, taunting us, saying 'hey, this is what is happening and there is nothing you can do about it'. And who is the 'Right' they were referring too, it's 'us'. You and me that have worked all our lives to really own a home and never took their hand-outs to sell our soul to the masters of the 'game'.
Let me explain my thought process. Obama, in his speech to congress made a statement to the effect: let the 'Right' step up to the plate with a better idea!. Basically saying: 'they can't' because there is no better idea than the one that his group is pushing. So who is his group, The Left? in a way, Wall Street? well sure, The big money Elite? absolutely. His string are being pulled just like all the presidents before him since Kennedy.
Who better to 'cheer lead' the new world order than a 'cheer leader' that has been groomed from the beginning. We can see that things are heading in a direction that we have no control over, even though we are told everyday what to expect, if listen. But why tell us in advance what is going to happen? Because it is a game to them, that they believe they are in control of. They are the only ones moving the peices on the board. They are the ones getting the high scores that lead to the payoff.
'We' have never been players in this game. We are just the peices that they control in their global game. They beleive that we don't have a move to make on our own, how could we, our individual stake in this game is so small compared to theirs. They control the whole board. That is why they asked the 'Right' to make a move, to show that the game is controlled by them and that we don't have any moves.
It's soo funny really, so obvious as it affects us and we react just as planned. We stumble around like zombies bumping into each other thinking we know as they laugh about what we say we think we know. They tell us that they see us and we cringe in fear of their power, the power that we have given them.
We throw our money at them even though we are very aware that our individual pennies pale in comparison to their vast wealth. They use our own money to control menaceing armies and public 'servants'. Or not!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Medicare Scam

There is yet another issue which no one seems to be talking about. Why wait to change the system to deal with the billions of dollars of waste that the President has found in the Medicare system? If no bill is passed, will the government just sit on its hands just like they have for the last 30 years?
Will they say that they want to clean up the waste, but you did not give us the new legislation we ask for so we won’t do anything about the current system. If the waste is already identified, how is it possible that the federal government is not doing anything about it? They do not need legislation in order to trim costs and avoid overspending.
Cutting out the fraud and waste is a fantastic concept. It’s been used by almost every politician since I can remember. Here is the ‘Unfortunate Truth’. When a politician describes a spending plan, the monetary value of the plan is arbitrary for a reason, he knows that there will be some modicum of fraud and waste. I mean look at the organization that scammed Mr. Obama into office. Acorn is systematically defrauding the government as it’s policy apparently. This skimming of public funds is expected and written in to most projects. I believe that someone should challenge this administration to merely find some of the fraud, say .4%, in a verifiable manner and the stop it. That should be enough to convince anyone, left or right, that they are serious in their convictions. I’m holding my breath for this to happen.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Keep your religion out of my government!

It is remarkable to me that whole nations of people can't see the underlying effects of their reliance on religion to make up policy and how the ignorance of faith, 'the blind leading the blind' scenario, always kills any chance of making the correct, most logical choice. It's unfortunate that those of us who see religion as a barrier to true human advancement will never be listened too because you all are so damn convinced that someones fictional story of a god (that the writer probably wrote while stoned out of his mind) is going to lead us to a 'win for our religion'. I'm laughing my way to an early grave because 'you all have the answers'.

If I could, I would take all of your power away and give it to those who never let false faith blind them when it comes time to make hard decisions!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

We SHOULD learn form the past!

"Successful people learn from the past, without being controlled by it".

That is a quote that I read on a sign in front of, if you can believe this, a church. I totally agree with this statement! Unfortunately, the 'past' is as cloudy as the debate on health care. History is never as clear cut as one might be lead to believe. It really only depends on who's telling of it you adhere too. Just like the bold denials of the holocaust by the Iranians and others, I get the feeling that history in the hands of some can become a tool, reshaped and retold to meet an end or agenda.
I say that it was unbelievable that I had read this in front of a church because religion is, by design, the reshaping of historical fact, turning it into an incredible story that, in most instances, has nothing to do with the truth. The story, in it's new form, can now be used to control the discussion, create a kind of fear and allows the teller to manipulate your money out of your pocket. Religion, in no way, has a monopoly on this tactic. The world of politics has come to embrace this concept all too efficiently. As demonstrated by the events that lead our great country into almost total collapse. Partisan blocking of the other parties good ideas has lead to special interest groups out of control and greedy exploitation of the poor. I sit here watching while our government talks it's way around the truth to tell you that they 'now' have the solution to all of the problems that they have created in the past.
The people who knew this too well, back in the '1700's, struck out against the biggest oppressor of the time, the English government controlled by the powerful Catholic Church. Reflected in the Constitution that these courageous people crafted was a freedom from the oppressors that had taken from them and their ancestors for too long and given back nothing. These were people who worked hard at what they had gained, without guilt, because it was their own sweat and blood that stained the soil that they finally felt was their own. So, they fought for a new right to keep it. Now the peoples hard work should not go unpunished by the elites who use 'empathy' as a mask to hide the guilt they feel for having so much without having to break a sweat. To them there are only two kinds of people, those like themselves who are here to help create more like themselves to take care of those of us who's only hope is that they, the elites, are here to give us a handout.
Fuck that!!